What happens if a user selects the “Login with view-only access” option but a view-only access license is not available?

What happens if a user selects the “Login with view-only access” option but a view-only access license is not available?

If a users selects the “Login with view-only access” option and then logs in…

GLOBODOX will check if a view-only access license is available
If a view-only access license is available then GLOBODOX will mark that license as used and log in the user, using that view-only access license.

If a view-only access license is not available (or all available view-only access licenses have been marked as used) then GLOBODOX will check if a full access license is available.

If a full access license is available then GLOBODOX will temporarily convert it into a view-only access license. GLOBODOX will then mark the license as used and log in the user, using the temporary view-only access license.

If no licenses are available then GLOBODOX will inform the user that she cannot be logged in at the moment because the maximum allowed number of users are already logged in.