How can I order GLOBODOX licenses?
Globodox can be ordered on-line or through any of our resellers.
What if I do not want to order online?
You can also order by phone, fax and postal mail.
What credit cards do you accept?
We accept most internationally recognized credit cards such as Visa, Mastercard/Eurocard, American Express, Diners Club and JCB.
Can I make the payment by bank/wire transfer or check/money order?
Yes if you do not prefer to use a credit card, you can pay by check, cash, invoice or purchase order. For information about making check or cash payments, please contact sales@globodox.com.
Which are the currencies in which I can make the payments?
You can pay in US Dollar, Euro, Japanese Yen, Swiss Franc, Canadian Dollar & Australian Dollar.
I had ordered GLOBODOX online. I want to order some more licenses, but through a reseller this time. Can I do so?
Yes, you can order from our resellers. Please submit the form given at the page below to view our resellers list.
I had ordered GLOBODOX through a reseller. I want to order some more licenses, but want to order online this time. Can I do so?
Please contact your reseller to order the licenses. Your reseller may provide you with additional services like support, installation and training. ITAZ does not provide training and installation services. Support is provided via email.