Install MS SQL Server 2014 Express Edition using GLOBODOX DB Engine utility

Install MS SQL Server 2014 Express Edition using GLOBODOX DB Engine utility

  • Please download the GLOBODOX DB Engine utility from the link below...

    For Windows 64 bit:

    For Windows 32 bit:

  • Run the gdx-db-engine-package-sqle-x64.exe (or gdx-db-engine-package-sqle-x86.exe) file you downloaded. The ‘Globodox DB Engine Installer‘ will be launched.
  •  Enter your email id and click the Start button.

    If installation succeeds…
    You will see a message which says “DB Engine installation completed successfully”.

    If installation fails…
    If the installation fails, please click OK to send us the log files to investigate the issue.

    If installation prompts for restart before the installation completes…
    Please restart the machine. On restart, the Globodox DB Engine Installer will launch automatically and continue with the installation..

    That is it! If you hit any problem, simply drop an email to

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