Configuring FTP in IIS
This document provides the steps to configure IIS.
Follow the below steps to install IIS …
Go to the Windows Start menu and type Windows Powershell. You should see the option of Windows Powershell.
Right click on Windows Powershell and select Run as Administrator
The Windows Powershell window will launch. Enter the command… Install-WindowsFeature Web-Server -IncludeManagementTools
Hit Enter on the keyboard to run the command.
IIS should be installed.
Click on the Windows Start menu and type Server Manager. Now, click the Server Manager option.
The Server Manager window will launch. Click on the Add Roles and Features option.
The Add Roles and Features wizard should be displayed. On the Before You Begin page click on the Next button.
On the Installation Type screen select Role-based or feature-based installation and click the Next button.
On the Server Selection screen select Select a server from the server pool and click the Next button.
Expand Web Server (IIS) now expand FTP Server and check FTP Server and FTP Extensibility option.
Expand Management Tools and check the Management Service option.
Click the Next button till you reach the Install screen.
Click on the Install button to begin the installation. You should see a message Installation successful once completed.
Now close the Server Manager window.
Open Windows File Explorer and navigate to the location C:\
In this location create a folder with the name of your database, for e.g. MainDB FTP
On this folder provide Modify permission to the Network Service user.
Close the File Explorer window.
Creating a FTP User:
Click on the Windows Start menu and type IIS. Now, click the IIS option.
Choose the server name in the left pane. You will now see IIS options. Now double-click the Management Service icon.
Select the Windows credentials or IIS Manager credentials option. Click Apply in the Actions pane.
Go back to the main screen by clicking the server name in the left pane. Now double-click the IIS Manager Users option.
In the IIS Manager Users window, click Add User in the Actions pane. The Add User pop-window launched.
Enter the Username and password for the user.
For e.g. Username: admin
Password: admin@1234
NOTE: Add an existing user, do not create a new user.
Click the Ok button to create the user.
Creating the FTP website:
Go back to the main screen by clicking the server name in the left pane.
Select Sites from the Connection pane, right-click it and select Add FTP Site. The Add FTP Site window will launch.
Enter the name for the FTP site in the Name box. For e.g. globodoxftp
Specify the location for the FTP folder. Over here choose the folder you created in Step 2. For e.g. the location should be C:\MainDB FTP
Click the Next button.
In the Binding section enter the IP address of the Server machine on which you created the FTP folder and also enter the port for FTP connection. By default FTP uses port 21.
Select the NO SSL option. Click the Next button.
In the Authentication section, select the Basic option.
In the Authorization section, choose Specified users from the Allow access to drop-down. Enter the name of the FTP user you created. For eg. john
In the Permissions section select both Read and Write options.
Click the Finish button.
Go back to the main screen by clicking the server name in the left pane.
Double click FTP Firewall Support option.
In the Data Channel Port Range, enter the range 50000-51000, and then click Apply in the Actions pane
Now in the left pane expand the server name >> expand Sites and then select the FTP site you created. For e.g. globodoxftp.
Double-click the FTP Authentication option.
The FTP Authentication feature list page displayed. Click the Custom Providers in the Actions pane.
The Custom Providers dialog should be displayed. Check the IisManagerAuth option. Click on the OK button.
The FTP Authentication page should now show both Basic Authentication and IisManagerAuth enabled.
Go back to the FTP site’s main screen by clicking the FTP name in the left pane. Double-click the IIS Manager Permissions option.
On the IIS Manager Permissions window, click Allow User in the Actions Pane.
When the Allow User dialog displays, choose the IIS Manager option. Click the Select button.
In the Users dialog box select the FTP user. For e.g. John. Click OK.
Click OK to close the Allow User dialog box.
Make sure the FTP users have Read and Write permissions. To do this… Go back to the FTP site’s main screen by clicking the FTP name in the left pane. Double-click the FTP Authorization Rules option and check the Read and Write permission for the FTP user.
After completing the above steps, restart IIS to apply the changes.
Click on the Windows Start menu and type Windows Defender Firewall. Now, click the Windows Defender Firewall option.The Windows Defender Firewall window should be displayed.
On the left pane select Advanced Settings. The Window Defender Firewall with Advanced Security window should be displayed.
In the left pane click on the Inbound Rules option. In the Actions pane click the New Rule option. The New Inbound Rule Wizard displayed.
Select the Port option and click on the Next button.
On this screen make sure the TCP option is selected. Select Specific local port option and enter 20,21. Click on the Next button.
On this screen make sure Allow the connection option is selected. Click on the Next button.
On this screen make sure the Domain, Private and Public options are selected. Click on the Next button.
On this screen enter a name for this rule. For e.g. FTP Port. Click on the Finish button.
Follow Step 4 to add the port range 50000-51000 to the firewall.
You can now close the Window Defender Firewall with the Advanced Security window.
On the left pane of Window Defender Firewall select Allow an app or feature option. The Allow Apps window should be displayed.
Make sure the FTP option is selected and also ensure that the Private/Public option is checked.
Note: Incase Private/Public is not checked then click on the Change Settings button and select the above options.
Close the Allowed Apps window.
Before creating an FTP File Store in GLOBODOX, follow these steps to verify that the client can successfully connect to the FTP server and perform file transfers.
Download FileZilla on your client machine using the below link:
Install FileZilla on your machine.
After installing, launch FileZilla. Enter the following details:
Host: Enter the server's IP address.
User Name: Enter the username of the FTP user you created.
Password: Enter the password for the FTP user.
Port: Enter "21".
If the connection is successful, you will see a success message displayed in FileZilla.
Proceed with testing file transfers to ensure full functionality. To transfer a file using FileZilla from local machine to remote machine, navigate to local files, in the local site pane(which is local machines directory) navigate to the folder containing the files you want to transfer, right-click on the file and select upload.
Check the Queued files, Failed transfers, and Successful transfers tabs at the bottom to monitor the progress and status of the file transfers.